Study with a qualified and experienced team.

We're engineers, math specialists, and certified educators partnering to increase access to personalized education.

Striving to make academic success more than just a dream.

We've inverted the traditional dynamic, placing students at the center of their learning journey. Rather than forcing learners to conform to one-size-fits-all assessments, we craft personal examinations tailored to each individual's strengths and goals. This student-centric approach dismantles decades of practices, bringing in a new era where education molds itself to the learner, not the other way around.

Chris Canales

B.S. Aerospace Engineering
California State University Long Beach

MathWorks MATLAB Associate

Michelle Tran

B.S. Mechanical Engineering
California State University Long Beach

M.S. Environmental Hazards and Risks Mgmt Candidate
Université Côte d’Azur

Jessica Muller

B.S. Civil Engineering
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Ryan Chan

B.S. Mechanical Engineering
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Andrew Kavanaugh

B.S. Computer Science
University of California, Irvine

Kevin Sato

B.S. Mathematics
University of California, Irvine

Brandon Fitzgerald

B.S. Computer Science
University of California, Los Angeles

Seth Weber

B.S. Physics
San Diego State University